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  • 神域 (日文:依り代)






    作品名“依り代”取自日本的神学概念,即在现实生活中构建一个类似“依代”的场域,让神明有可能经过,以实现人和神交流的可能。“依り代”既是日本人对空间的构造,也是他们对“沟通”的理解。艺术家选择在一个类似“依り代”的空间作为排演现场,引领参与者共同探索现实生活中与“艺术”“孤独感”“空间”相关的话题。通过人生、空间、身体三个面向,艺术家引导参与者回到个体纯净的自我,借助彼此间的非语言交流进行自省,在这个空间内制造新的“美”的经验。这样一场由既定社会关系内的民众 参与的“表演”是艺术家认为的“最理想的沟通方式”,也是社会关系的二次建构。


    Emptiness (Yorishiro)



    Performanceart / single-channel video



    Emptiness (Yorishiro) is a three-act performancecreated by five participants from the theater workshop of Kyoto Arts Center.Act 1 is about the question of “What is art?”. Abandoning its literal meaning, the participants give out their understanding based on real life, such as “energy”, “belief”, “passion”, “sunset”… Act 2 is a presentation and liberation about characters of “loneliness” and nonverbal communication. Act 3 indicates the sensitivity of Kyoto people who are forced to adapt to the situation because their body movements have been changed by the confined space.

    The name, "Yorishiro (依り代)"comes from the concept ofJapanese Shinto terminology, which means to occupy a space of “approach substitute” in real life so that people can communicate with kami (spirits). For the Japanese, Yorishiro is both a construction of spaceand an understanding of “communication”. Wang Ziyue chose the space similar to yorishiro as a rehearsal place, leading theparticipants to explore the related topics “art”, “loneliness”, and “space”. She tried to guide the participants to return back to their purity and introspect by nonverbal communication through the three dimensions of life, space and body. Therefore, a new and “fine” experience had been created in this field. The artist considered such a “performance” played by local people “the most ideal way of communication” and the second social relationships reconstruction.




    导演/构作 Director / Dramaturgy:王子月 Wang Ziyue


    文本/表演 Text / Performance:

       沖野 竜太 Okino Ryota

       浅田 誠 Asada Makoto

       山田 彩華 Yamada Ayaka

       速水 元 Hayami Gen

       永石 薫 Kaoru


    制作 Production:當間芽 Mei Toma

    翻译Translator:侯文盛Hou Wensheng

    摄影Photographer:顾剑亨Gu Jianheng、王子月 Wang Ziyue

    剪辑 Editor:王子月 Wang Ziyue

    支持/鸣谢 Support / Acknowledgement:

       成都A4美术馆 A4 Art Museum

       京都艺术中心 Kyoto Art Center

  • 宣传片/Trailer


  • 民众共创计划


    2018年10月-12月我在京都艺术中心公开招募民众参与为期两个月的十次剧场工作坊,前来报名的十位参与者,他们来自不同的年龄阶层,不同的工作岗位。有的是仓库的搬运工,有的是工厂流水线的检测员,有的是家庭主妇,也有充满活力的学生...正是他们身上所固有的差异性以及初始对彼此对表演的“陌生性”让这个民众共创计划更加真实和饱满。最终我们共同创作了 "神域(日文:依り代)"这件作品。



    Public Co-creating Project


    From October to December 2018, I publicly recruited people at the Kyoto Art Center to participate in ten theater workshops for two months. Ten participants who are with different age and job, some of whom are porter of warehouse,inspectors of the industry assembly line, housewife,and also energetic students ,and all of them are strange to the ”perform” and total different in personality , helping to fulfil the work and make it completed and real in details.In the end, we co-created the work "Emptiness (Yorishiro) ".

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    NO.1“破冰”-肢体游戏工作坊 / "Broken Ice" - Limb Game Workshop

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    NO.2 人生“艺术”地图/ Life map of “ art”

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    NO.3 空间感练习/ Sense of space

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    NO.4 故事营/ Story camp

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    NO.5 肢体创作练习/ Limb creation practice

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    NO.6- NO.8 :排演 Rehearsal

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    NO.9-NO.10 表演+记录/ Performance + Shooting