世事恰如溪流 (表演)
The Things Streaming (performance)
Performance, 23 minutes
In the autumn of 2022, I conducted a public recruitment process in Shenzhen, selecting eight ordinary workers aged between 23 and 62 to participate in a theatrical performance. These individuals hailed from diverse provinces and cities across China and had resided in Shenzhen for varying periods. Under the ethos of “You are aShenzhener once you come to Shenzhen”,they were collectively identified as "New Shenzhener". Through a series of six theater workshops, I endeavored to construct a concentric circle relationship model centered on the concept of "speed" . This model aimed to explore the phenomenon of"Shenzhen speed" by prompting reflection, connection, confirmation, and inspiration. The workshops facilitated the formulation of nearly a thousand questions by the participants, directed at themselves, others, and the city of Shenzhen. By converting personal experiences into inquiries, the workshops illuminated the contemporary context and the potential for aesthetic action. Ultimately, these efforts culminated in the creation of both a theatrical performance and a three-channel video titled "The Things Streaming" .
录像装置 展览现场/Three-Channel Video & Sound Installation
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