![thumbnail image](https://user-assets.sxlcdn.com/images/309778/FlxbsdU1ww_sPO0Jpwc4BSlY3n6B.jpg?imageMogr2/strip/auto-orient/thumbnail/1200x630>/interlace/1/format/jpeg)
该计划于2012年4月始至2014年9月结束,已实施完成六次活动,分别是“拆了放映会”、三期的“转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划”、 “GiveBus”、社会剧场《罅隙浮生》,以及三场“转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划”系列讨论会。
A “拆了放映会”(2012.8.9-2014.8.9)
B 转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划 三期(2012.4-2012.11,驻地创作)
参与艺术家:谭涛 夏宏飞 张翔 王超 吴憾 郭厚同 孙晓乐 王子月 尹爱灵 陈思 易连 潘颖
参与艺术家:谭涛、夏宏飞、张翔、王超、吴憾、郭厚同、孙晓乐、王子月、陈思、易连、潘颖、程涛、陈俊龙、张鹏、寇路阳、谭彬 、尹爱灵、刘晓、王天信、许亮、李论、Glenis Poul
参与艺术家:陈孙莞、陈茂民、崔译、刘晓、王子月、王满、吴憾、郭厚同、黄梁鹏、黄淞浩、胡为一、刘秀、刘博文、潘颖、杨青青、朱昶全、HanaKucharovicova、Glenis Poul、Carolyn Chen
C “Give Bus”(2013.3.16-9.16)(延续性的公共方案)
D 社会剧场《罅隙浮生》(2014.3-2014.6)
摄影 :程艺 、张海深
道具:李克进 、刘 晓、林俊杰 、罗雷、卢睿阳
剪辑 :王子月
演员表:沈光英、陈盛辉 、陈美凤 、王善军 、王建刚 、齐柏成、易 连、罗 雷 、孙 杨
E “拆迁主题”社会参与式艺术实践讨论会
a 、转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划—活动回顾+策划批注+讨论会(2014.9.12 南京艺术学院美术馆)
社会空间中的公共艺术/美术馆空间的角色转移 讨论会参与人:曹恺、黄炳良(南京财富集团&布罗德文化投资有限公司)、姜姝(《画刊》)、季鹏+马翀(南京艺术学院设计学院公共艺术专业&《多攒》)、管钧(美国)、华茂一楼(南京)、刘林(四方当代美术馆)、马莉(金鹰当代艺术空间),彭乐忠(鼓楼区拆迁公司)、孙建春、孙文川(南京广播电视台《南京新闻》)、孙晓乐、谭涛、王子月、薛问问(南京艺术学院)、易连、赵小风(河海大学公共管理学院)、张桂芳(中国南京软件谷招商合作局)
b 、东湖艺术计划讲座系列之“转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划”(2014.8.30,武汉“我们家”青年自治实验室)
2014.11 第十届上海双年展 ,王子月社会剧场作品《罅隙浮生》的展映 (上海当代艺术博物馆,上海) 2014.9 转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划—活动回顾+策划批注( 南京艺术学院美术馆,南京)
2013.1 绿盒子·重绘形貌:媒体现实的空间 ,特别单元“转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划” (杭州天鸿美和院艺术中心,杭州)
孙晓乐、王子月、陈思、易连、潘颖、谭涛、夏宏飞、张翔、王超、吴憾、郭厚同、程涛、王天信、许亮、陈俊龙、张鹏、寇路阳、谭彬、尹爱灵、刘晓、贾宏宇、王艺璇、蔡惠仪、陈孙莞、陈茂民、卢珊、杨伍、胡为一、刘秀、刘博文、黄淞浩、杨青青、朱昶全、缪晓辉、崔译、王满、黄梁鹏、夏木、卢元炯、阮怀俊、张林、杨帆、曹澍、刘畑、李岚、李雁军、张峥安、黄畅、Hana Kucharovicova、Glenis Poul、Carolyn Chen
王子月 定海桥座谈会| 转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划 👈点击进入座谈记录,了解活动详情
Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area(2012.4-2014.9)
Project overview:
“Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area” is a social art action initiated by Wang Ziyue which is a combination of young artists working in Zhuantang Town, Hangzhou. This project aims to promote young artists to participate more actively and explore practical issues in the public domain. During the creative process, the artist constantly pays attention to、thinks and discusses how to adhere to the complex and in-depth ideology into the demolition, how to relate to the local residents and the local ecological environment, how to retell and activate the demolition of the waste market, etc. At the same time, I hope that this is a linked action. In the process, people from different identities can be joined to imagine, go through the production, and practice a reproduction of a different relationship.
The program will be completed from April 2012 to September 2014 and has completed six activities. Respectively, the“demolition of the screening conference”、the third phase of the “Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area”、"GiveBus"、the social theater is " Floating Life in Crevice ",and three series of seminars on“Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area”.
The project is divided into 5 parts
A “Demolition of the screening conference”(2012.8.9-2014.8.9)
Theme: The project is a long-term projection program. artists are required to complete the creation of documentary or experimental videos based on the demolition phenomenon that is taking place across the country. The project will reflect the dissimilar demolition phenomenon of the artists to the public through different video works.
Participants: Yi Lian, Lu Shan, Wang Ziyue, Yang Wu, Miu Xiaohui, Kou Luyang, Xia Mu, Lu Yuanjion, Zhu Changquan
B the third phase of the “Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area ”(2012.4-2012.11,Resident project)
No.1 (2012.4.11)
Theme: Public events that occur within a day. Participating artists enter the two adjacent houses in the demolition houses. A life theater that co-interprets.
Participants: Tan tao, Xia Hongfei, Zhang Xiang, Wang Chao, Wu Han, Guo Houtong, Sun Xiaole, Wang Ziyue, Yin Ailing,Chen Si, Yi Lian, Pan Ying
Theme: A change in a demolition block within a month. Participants were grouped by three people, Select a demolition house in this block for a month-long resident creation.
Cruator:WangZiyue ,SunXiaole
Participants: Tan tao, Xia Hongfei, Zhang Xiang, Wang Chao, Wu Han, Guo Houtong, Sun Xiaole, Wang Ziyue, Chen Si, Yi Lian, Pan Ying, Cheng Tao, Chen Junlong, Zhang Peng, Kou Luyang, Tan Bin, Yin Ailing, Liu Xiao,Wang Tianxin,Xu Liang,Li Lun,Glenis Poul
Theme: “Reuse” of the demolition area. Participants from different industries have different interpretations of the “reuse” of demolition ruins.
Participants: Chen Sunwan, Chen Maomin, Cui Yi, Liu Xiao、Wang Ziyue, Wang Man、Wu Han, Guo Houtong, Huang Liang Peng, Huang Songhao, Hu Weiyi, Liu Xiu, Liu Bowen, Pan Ying, Yang Qingqing, Zhu Changquan, HanaKucharovicova,Glenis Poul,Carolyn Chen
C “Give Bus”(2013.3.16-9.16) (continuous public option)
Theme: Inspired by the “Occupy House Movement” that emerged in Berlin in the 1970s, it was independently stationed in the demolition building and proposed the possibility and application of its transformation. During the six-month resident creation period, there are many possibilities for “recycling” a nail house demolition building with “history”.
Participants: Liu Xiao,Ruan Huaijun ,Tan Tao ,Zhang Lin,Wang
Ziyue ,Sun Xiaole,Yang Fan,Ye Si ,Cao Shu,Li Lan, Li Yanjun ,Zhang Zhengan,Huang Chang ,Liu Tian,Jia Hongyu
D Social theater “ Floating Life in Crevice " (2014.3-2014.6)
Theme: I invited a group living in buildings awaiting demolition to re-enact their lives in fact this is not “acting”, this is them doing what they do in everyday life: going to work during the day, chatting after dinner, keeping accounts at night. This building has three floors with three rooms each, and each room becomes a stage. They treat the building as a way station, rehearsing their lives in each room, taking turns to perform. Aside from documentary-like sections, the video also contains rooms that can only be peeked into. Through the peephole, only abstract forms of touch, sound, shadows, and crawling, in all their theatricality, can be seen. These anonymous individuals take on a more secretive state within the private space.
Those who have left the countryside carry about their unfamiliar urban life in a way that is neither of the city nor of the village. They are constantly changing between different areas of labor, wandering inside and outside the factory, getting smothered by information from mass media, adding in all kinds of new experiences, and forging together some form of social life in a period of transition between the city and the countryside.
Director:Wang Ziyue
Deputy director: Wang Yixuan
Photography: Cheng Yi ,Zhang Haishen
Set:Li Kejin,Liu Xiao,Lin Junjie,Luo Lei,Lu Ruiyang
Clip: Wang Ziyue
Sound: Cai Huiyi,Yan Keke
Actors: Shen Guangying,Chen Shenghui,Chen Meifeng,Wang Shanjun,Wang Jiangang,Yi Lian,Luo Lei,Sun Yang
E "Demolition Theme" Socially Engaged Art Practice Seminar
a 、Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area Review + Note + Discussion ( 2014.9.12, AMNUA )
Discussion outline reference:
I: Hangzhou
Feedback and discussion on the "Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area";
II: Nanjing
Nanjing case, the focus, the possibility of artistic intervention.
III: Society
The role transfer of public art/art gallery space in social space
Participators:Cao Kai,Huang Bingliang(Nanjing Wealth investment group & Nanjing Brood Cultural Investment Corporation),Jiang Shu(Art Monthly) ,Ji Peng+Ma Chong(Public Art Dp. Of NUA&Duo Zan),Richard Kuan(USA) ,First Floor(Nanjing, China), Liu Lin( Sifang Art Museum ) ,Ma Li(GART),Peng Lezhong,Sun Jianchun,Sun Wenchuan(Nanjing Broadcasting and TV station), Sun Xiaole,Tan Tao,Wang Ziyue,Xue Wenwen(NUA) ,Yi Lian,Zhao Xiaofeng(School of Public Administration Hohai University), Zhang Guifang(Nanjing Software Valley Investment Cooperation Bureau)
b、Donghu Art Project Lecture Series “Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area” (2014.8.30, Wuhan“ Womenjia ”Youth Autonomy Lab)
Theme: Sharing the planning and creative experience of the six activities of the Rehabilitation Area Relocation Area from April 2012 to June 2014, and some thoughts on this. Lectures and discussions were held in the "Our Home" Youth Autonomy Lab. Prince Yue and the artist group Li Juchuan from Wuhan and Taiwanese artist Qiu Junda carried out the five-hour theme of the art intervention on the social scene of "demolition". intense discussion.
c 、Dinghai Tan 003 in Shanghai: “Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area” (2015.8.21 Dinghai Bridge Mutual Aid Society, Yangpu District, Shanghai)
Theme: Through the sharing of the “Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area” in the work of Zhuantang (Hangzhou),and the context that continues today, discuss community-related practices, how to use the functions of our current social interface to transform and transship.
Participators: Chen Yun, Zhao Yiren, Zhou Xin, etc.
“Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area” was planned and implemented in April 2012. At present, the six activities have been completed, with a total of 60 artists involved, and over 100 works have been created, including installations, photography, experimental videos, documentaries, and multimedia theaters. The participating artists bring their problems of the current society and the demolition site into their respective lives and creations through the demolition area. During this activity, the participants either enlighten each other or self-organize until they reach their destinations. Participants entered the ruins of the demolition area, or reconstruct their imagination of the past through various forms of artistic creation, or reflect on the impact of blind development and over-modernization on individual memory. In the future, I hope to continue to focus on more complex and diversified social issues. Based on our historical coordinates, I try to make a broader and in-depth discussion and creation of public life based on the historical view and horizontal geography.
Process demonstration:
2014.11 The 10th Shanghai Biennale ,Wang Ziyue’s work < Floating Life in Crevice >, Power Station of Art, Shanghai
2014.9 Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area Review + Note + Discussion, AMNUA,Nanjing
2013.1 Greenbox Remapping-The Space of Media Reality, Tianhong Mei Heyuan Arts Center, Hangzhou
Sun Xiaole、Wang Ziyue、Chen Si、Yi Lian、Pan Ying 、Tan Tao、Xia Hongfei、Zhang Xiang、Wang Chao、Wu Han、Guo Houtong、Cheng Tao、Wang Tianxin、Xu Liang、Chen Junlong、Zhang Peng、Kou Luyang、Tan Bin、Yin Ailing、Liu Xiao、Jia Hongyu、Wang Yixuan、Cai Huiyi、Chen Sunwan、Chen Maomin、Lu Shan、Yang Wu、Hu Weiyi、Liu Xiu、Liu Bowen、Huang Songhao、Yang Qingqing、Zhu Changquan、Miu Xiaohui、Cui Yi、Wang Man、Huang Liangpeng、Xia Mu、Lu Yuanjiong、Ruan Huaijun、Zhang Lin、Yang Fan、Cao Shu、Liu Tian、Li Lan、Li Yanjun、Zhang Zhengan、Huang Chang、Hana Kucharovicova、Glenis Poul、Carolyn Chen
Art Project at the Site of Zhuantang Dismantling Area Review + Note
Curator/Wang Ziyue
Organizer/Art Museum of Nanjing University of the ArtsProject
Opening/2014.09.12 3:00pm
Duration/2014.09.12 - 2014.10.02
Venue/Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts
转塘拆迁区驻地创作计划 -回顾展+讨论会
Opening scene
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